Training overview and core training

James Allen
What We Love About Our Training
What we love about our training here at The Institute is that it is an opportunity to really explore who you are at the deepest level, the true essence of you, rather than who you may portray to the world. Who might you be if you felt totally free? No matter what training you do with us, we hold the context of connecting more fully with the essence of you, which we call the Self. So whether you are looking to do a 3-day Fundamentals, gain an MA in Psychosynthesis, or become a psychotherapist or coach, we are always working with the Self. Importantly, this is a context that you will then take into the world—seeing the being rather than the adapted survival personality, and learning to see with the heart. In this way, inner change leads to social change, which we believe serves humanity in transition.
All of our training starts with a 3-day Fundamentals course. This in itself will give you an experience of Self and how we train here at the Institute. All training here at The Institute is experiential. Rather than teach you Psychosynthesis theory in a series of lectures, we aim to give you an experience that resonates with you at a deeper level, and then apply the theory. Fundamentals as a standalone course is often described as life-changing. It is also a pre-requisite as well as the qualifying course for all further training. Please have a look at the video to hear from some of our students.
Core Training
The next step beyond Fundamentals is our core training, which takes place over 2 years in what we call Modules 1 and 2. There are options to train ‘in person’ or online as ‘distance learning,’ with Fundamentals being the qualifying course for the core training alongside your training application and possible interview.
Modules 1 and 2 are the next step whether you intend to train as a therapist or a coach, or you may wish to enter the core training for personal development and build strong inner ground to bring to your current profession. This training is a deep dive into you and your story, uncovering your defences and what you did to feel safe, awakening to who you are (Self), and learning to unhook from historical patterns (dis-identification) that no longer serve you. This allows you to discover an inner ground from which to reclaim disowned parts of yourself and synthesize them around a conscious centre. As you learn to free and engage your will, so begins a life of authentic choice, opening your heart, freeing you to tap into your inner wisdom and connect to purpose, meaning, and values. This training enables a new Self-directed context for life that is truly transformative, whether you go on to train further or take that context to your existing work.
Diploma Training
If you decide to go on to train as a counsellor or coach, during module 2, we start skills training relevant to whether you choose the therapeutic or coaching pathways. After that, there is a possible exit point without further training with our first-level counselling or coaching diploma (once min. 100 clinical hours for Counselling and min. 25 hours for Coaching, and all competencies have been reached).
If you intend to exit with a diploma in counselling, please note: in order to register as an individual member with BACP, you will need to do the ‘in-person’ training which meets the BACP requirements for acceptable courses, and then also undertake an online proficiency test with the BACP.
If you intend to exit with the first-level coaching diploma (Diploma in Psychosynthesis Developmental Coaching), this can be done online or in person and enables successful students to apply for APECS Certified Associate Accreditation.
MA in Psychosynthesis Psychology
If you decide to do an MA in Psychosynthesis Psychology, this can be written anytime up to 3 years beyond Module 2, and can also be done alongside further clinical training, which many students choose to do. The training components and outcomes in Modules 1 & 2, as well as a written 15,000-word thesis and viva voce, form the credits for the MA, which is validated by Middlesex University. Students choose what topic they would like to explore for their thesis, and it is often an extremely valuable personal process. The MA in Psychosynthesis Psychology is available 'in-person' or 'online' as distance learning education.
If you decide to do an MA in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching, please see details under Module 3c for coaching.
Training Format: Core Training
The core training consists of 8 x 3-day ‘long’ weekends (Friday to Sunday) per module starting in January. The core training is organised in two modules over 2 years, taking into account individual needs for flexibility, so that it’s possible in many cases to work full-time alongside training.
In addition to the 8 x 3-day weekends:
- All students are to participate in Right Relations Intensives.
- All students attend LGE (Large Group Experience), which usually takes place online once per month during training months.
- Students training clinically attend group supervisions (starting during Module 2).
- Students also attend individual supervisions to meet the required number of supervisions depending on the chosen exit point.
Please note that the core training and further training requires all students to be in weekly therapy with a minimum of 40 sessions per year, adjusted for the first year where group therapy contributes to the total sessions.
Training dates for module 1 (in person and online)